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  Our Jagannatha Vallabha Vedic Research Center was established in India, at Jagannatha Puri (Orissa) in 1995, for the study of the culture, philosophy, religion and spirituality of ancient India and the propagation of such knowledge in an independent and objective manner, free from all sectarianism.

This is a very important and urgent work, because the foundations of the ancient Indian civilization are still very modern and practical. In fact, they constitute the solution to the present day problems of human kind.


The application of such principles brings the perfect balance and integration between matter and spirit, scientific integrity and emotions, sense pleasure and serenity, and the other apparent dualities of the world.

During the Vedic period and for many centuries after that, India remained famous as the happiest, most prosperous and peaceful place on earth - a vast land of fabulous wealth, inhabited by wise and powerful magicians.

In her golden age, her civilization spread as wide as Iran and Singapore, establishing centers and colonies in a pacific manner, without any imperialistic war - simply by offering the native peoples a better way to live.

Indian merchants sailed the seas as wide as China and Egypt, taking advantage of the monsoon winds and the favorable currents, and returned home carrying many travelers who were anxious to study in Indian universities.


Alexander the Great failed in his campaign to conquer India because his soldiers were unable to fight against the incredible "magical" weapons of the Vedic warriors, but he carried back home a much more valuable treasure than he had even dreamt of: hundreds of texts of spiritual and material knowledge.

To preserve, translate and study those invaluable texts, Alexander built the great Library of Alexandria, and around it, a wealthy and powerful city, that was for centuries greater and more glorious than Rome itself, and gave birth to the extraordinary cultural phenomenon of Hellenism - the fusion between the Greek and the eastern (Indian) cultures.

Unfortunately that glorious civilization was wiped away and buried under the dark centuries of the European middle ages, and only a few relics survived.


The Indian land suffered many invasions and attacks, massacres and the systematic destruction of universities, libraries, temples and centers of culture and spirituality. However, for those who know how to search, there is still a vast wealth of knowledge and wisdom, preserved by great souls, honest scholars and true representatives of Sanatana Dharma.

Such living tradition is now rising again, to survive and prevail over the last attack, that is now threatening us all at global level.

The danger does not come only from the globalization of the consumeristic/commercial culture of the western type, from the resurgence of intolerant abrahamic fundamentalisms, or from the desperate and cynical nichilism of those who do not see any solution to the sweeping degradation of human kind.


The religious movements and organizations, the philosophical and academic schools that study and teach the Vedic tradition today tend to present a perspective of knowledge that might be correct but is sectarian. They do not allow researchers to verify the context, develop a multi-dimensional general vision and to experiment the application of the theoretical concepts by taking them to the practical level of personal realization.

This problem is particularly serious in the academic institutions where the study of the Vedic tradition is approached from a colonial angle - from an alien and hostile perspective, meant to demonstrate defects in Vedic civilization even when do not really exist. The purpose of such biased presentations is to establish the superiority of their own ideology - secular, atheistic or based on some other faith.


It is not easy to find an adequate presentation of Vedic knowledge even among those who consider themselves as faithful followers of its scriptures, because in the course of time the original Indian culture has been covered and distorted by cultural, religious and social superimpositions accumulated starting from the 7th century of the present age.


However, it is still possible.

We invite you to participate directly to this wonderful enterprise.